Letter: Disrespectful Protest

Letter to the Editor

It seems that all of the revolting news doesn’t come out of the presidential campaigns. We are disgusted to hear that members of our school board, namely Craig Foster and Oscar de la Torre are “taking the knee” during the Pledge of Allegiance. It is repulsive when athletes “take the knee” during the National Anthem preceding their overpaid performance in what is only a game, but when school board members, elected to provide a sound education for our children, whom we expect to be a role model, do it during the Pledge of Allegiance, it is revolting.

By “taking the knee,” Foster and de la Torre have disrespected the thousands of American service men and women who have sacrificed so much for our country, and our flag which represents our country, so that men like these can behave like unappreciative adolescents.

The heroes of our country face extreme risk, accept the minimum wage, spend months and years away from their families, do it 24/7, under fire, defending our country. Many come back missing limbs, sight and other essential body functions, and many more don’t come back at all. Other heroes wear a badge and risk their lives daily on the streets of America to defend us and keep us safe. Others rush into burning buildings to protect and save us. These heroes get little glory or recognition. Their performance is denigrated by Foster and de la Torre joining in the adolescent fad of the moment and belittling their sacrifice.

Rest assured, Misters Foster and de la Torre, we will surely “take the knee” when you run for reelection to our school board. Anyone but you two!

Bonnie L. Schulze and Erwin E. Schulze