Letter: America’s Last Chance

Letter to the Editor

Yes, Ted Cruz is a Trojan horse for the globalists, many say. Reportedly, Heidi Cruz is a member of globalist organizations that quietly favor U.N. governance, which when it comes (as prophesied) we must all obey, but we must never take the computer chip implant that the Bible speaks of, the mark of the beast, which soon will be the law.

Trans Pacific Partnership is five percent about trade and 95 percent about setting up a global skeleton for world un-governance as it eliminates, with much stealth, U.S. sovereignty and control over so many issues, such as refugees. Almost any pastor knows of this (10 horns are 10 kingdoms that anoint the antichrist to rule).

We must all be reverent and respectful as whoever is elected president is anointed by almighty God.

Many say Donald Trump is seeking a way out because he is too smart to speak of abortion punishment, etc. Sadly, Trump cannot beat the rest with Marco Rubio, John Kasich and Ted Cruz’s delegates. He has no chance. Joe Arpaio, John Wayne’s daughter and Phyllis Schlafley all say that this is America’s last chance, and they are all, of course, correct. There is no reason to vote anymore  — read scripture instead.

Pray for America, for Obama and for all placed over us by God.

Morten Wengler