Letter: Coastal Principles

Letter to the Editor

My 2017 wish for this Malibu mountainside: David Evans (and all?) decide(s) to sell this scenic mountain to the State of California, as planned in our national park land use plan for this property — forever protecting this scenic view for millions of annual coastal visitors. Search Facebook “Save Open Space Over the Edge.” 

Yes, Steve Lopez is so right — the 2017 Coastal Commission needs commissioners who always vote to uphold the principles of the Coastal Act. 

“Brown and state leaders need to appoint a higher class of commissioners, whose first duty is to the Coastal Act and the public. The media needs to vet every one of those appointments. Commissioners who don’t report full accounts of private meetings must be publicly flogged. And, the next executive director has to uphold a tradition of independence and protect the agency, and the coast, from political pressure. The sudden resignation Friday of Commissioner Wendy Mitchell — who voted on a project involving a client of her consulting agency, and apologized to U2 guitarist David “the Edge” Evans for how long it took to approve his habitat-damaging Malibu development, among many other highlights — is not a bad thing for California. We can do better. “ (Steve Lopez, Jan 1, 2017 LA Times)

Mary Wiesbrock