Honoring a Local

David Torrence wins the Long Island Mile in 2016 for the second year in a row.

Alysia Montano, a friend of David Torrence, a 31-year-old Olympian who died on Aug. 29, set up a GoFundMe on Sept. 3 to help offset costs related to the funeral.

As The Malibu Times went to print, Torrence’s memorial fund has garnered $18,314 of its current $20,000 goal, exceeding its original $11,000 goal, in seven days. One hundred and fifty-five people have donated to the cause so far.

People who want to support are encouraged to donate at gofundme.com/jjgzb-davids-memorial-fund and share the page on social media.

“David was a man with big ideas and many of us have the desire to honor David’s mission and memory with ideas of our own, but for now, you can help with this fund that has been created to eliminate all costs the Torrence family will incur related to David’s Passing,” Montano wrote in the GoFundMe description.