Photos: Bank of Books Hosts Musical Story Time

Children sang to popular children’s songs while St. Aidan’s music teacher Maia Zander played the violin at Bank of Books.

Children gathered at Bank of Books for a special musical presentation with St. Aidan’s music instructor Maia Zander and her student Shannon Rosen on Saturday morning. 

Zander played popular children’s songs on her violin, like “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,” the ABCs and “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep.” The children learned how to distinguish notes in Vivalidi’s “Four Seasons.” A note would be played and the children would hold up a paper card with drawings of spring flowers and birds, water, or thunderstorms, learning quickly to recognize the notes of the classic piece. 

Young music enthusiasts later had the opportunity to play a student-size violin for the first time.