Letter: Important Information

Letter to the Editor

I find it curious that the stance of the newspaper is against Measure R and that it would publish a dishonest infographic in the Oct. 30 edition about the public support for the Measure’s pass or defeat. It’s a common political move to downplay support for a measure or candidate to try to foster the “it’s a long shot, so why even vote” mentality, but would The Malibu Times really do such a thing, so ham-handedly?

There is a significantly narrower margin between the pros and cons that the graphic represents. Each tier of the graph represents 160 votes and you level off the pro Measure R poll numbers at the 320 mark, creating the impression that the pro responders come in just over 50% of the anti-responders. That’s dishonest.

Like one of the folks you asked in the public poll, I’m a bit confused by the Measure R debate and I’m curious about its constitutionality and the cost of defending it in court, as Steve Soboroff cited. I point that out because I’m not a rabid Measure R supporter, but I am an advocate for unbiased reporting.

I would hope the paper has the integrity to print this inquiry and respond.

Chip Warren