Letter: Community Connection

Letter to the Editor

Since COVID-19 took over, we have all pulled at straws to find respite from all this madness. I don’t live in Malibu. I work in Malibu. There is this theory that if you work in Malibu, you don’t live in Malibu, unless you own your own business. I still feel connected to this community despite this. 

Every week I pick up The Malibu Times and look forward to reading the opinion section. I look for a good laugh. At work, I post some of the funny articles so that my coworkers can enjoy them as well. Did I mention I work in health care? It hasn’t been easy dealing with COVID for the health care workers and I can see that it hasn’t been easy for the residents here either. 

There is a sense of animosity in the air now, six months post stay-at-home orders. Maybe it is because we all need to hug someone but can’t because of social distancing. 

People are angry and depressed and it shows. Patients are more aggressive and tell us that we are terrible at doing our job. It’s hurtful. I’ve contemplated multiple times driving off Malibu Canyon when I drive home from work. It’s hard to have the desire to live when you are asked indirectly to find somewhere else to make a living. 

No matter what, I still care about the people I interact with. I promised to show unconditional compassion to patients and that promise will stand forever. 

Stand strong, Malibu. Be kind to each other. We are all in this together. 

You matter!

Chelsea DeZonia