Obituary: Joanne Germaine Robinson Vincent Carpentier

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Joanne Germaine Robinson Vincent Carpentier, 58, died unexpectedly on Monday, Nov. 27.     

Joanne, fondly known as JoBear or Jojo, was a lifelong resident of Malibu until her recent move to Camarillo. She attended Webster, Malibu Park Jr. High, Santa Monica High, Santa Monica College and Oxnard College. Joanne married twice, to Jan Michael Vincent and later to Nelson Carpentier. Her pride and joy was in the birth of her son, Matthew Alexander Vincent, 20 years ago. 

“It was the beginning of a beautiful mother-son relationship,” a loved one said. “Joanne made sure that Matt had every advantage he needed to become the wonderful young man he is today.”

Jojo was an avid lover of all things outside, including horseback riding, gardening and golf. 

“She lived for the beauty of the world and all it had to offer,” a loved one said. “She was so good at everything she did and always lived life to the fullest. There wasn’t any adventure she wouldn’t do from skiing the Alps to surfing the waves of Hawaii, Australia and Malibu. JoBear unconditionally loved all of her friends, family and animals with her heart and soul. She was truly one of a kind and anyone who knew her would agree there was no one like her.” 

She is survived by her son Matthew and his father Mark Wallace, her brothers Andrew and Kevin Robinson, her dog Scarlett and her husband Nelson Carpentier. 

Memorial services will be held at Our Lady of Malibu Church on Thursday, Dec. 7, at 12 p.m.