Letter: Concerned About the Discourse

Letter to the Editor

I have been reading the numerous letters to the editor regarding the current state of politics in America and the election of Donald Trump.

People have written scathing criticisms on both sides. However, some of these criticisms use terms like “stop whining about the election,” “support and accept the results” — in other words, “conform.”

People on the Left said similar things when Obama was elected when conservative people had similar concerns. This was wrong too.

The fact is that whichever side of the political spectrum you are on, open discourse, and yes, protest, is our right as U.S. citizens.

The founding fathers and the constitution specifically gave us these rights so that the government would always serve the people and allow us to live with freedom and liberty in a true democracy. The way they envisioned enabling this freedom and liberty in perpetuity was a combination of a bicameral legislative branch, a government with checks and balances between the three branches and amended constitutional rights to free press, freedom of religion and freedom to assemble, amongst others, and this is just the first amendment — there are 26 more.

If we ever get to a place where open dialogue, civility and respect for each other breaks down and the laws that made this country great are suppressed, we will fall into the trap that our founding fathers wanted us to avoid, which is tyranny and totalitarianism.

The first things that dictators do to consolidate their power is to suppress protest, the press and the courts so they are in control. Many historical examples prove this to be true. I’m NOT saying this is Donald Trump’s intention; these are general observations.

Let’s listen to each other and compromise, just like our founding fathers did when this great county was formed. Remember, we defeated the British in the revolution, who were totalitarians. 

Matt Borenzweig