66th MLL Baseball Season Opens with a Ceremony on March 4


The Malibu Little League 2023 Spring baseball season starts with a festive ceremony on on March 4, at 2 p.m. on the Majors field. MLL will introduce all of the teams and kids will run the bases. MLL will also honor Doug O’Brien, who was a driving force in Malibu Little League for almost 30 years and left a tremendous legacy. We will have three food trucks on site plus the Snack Shack will be fully stocked. We will also have our Malibu Little League merchandise available for purchase (t-shirts, hats, sweatshirts, and car magnets)!

“In 2023 almost 275 kids registered for baseball and softball and the league is still growing! We have also tripled team sponsorship revenue since 2021. “This money allows us to invest in new equipment and better facilities for your kids,” MLL president Nicholas Shurgot said. “New scoreboards have been ordered and will be installed during Spring Break and we will also upgrade the irrigation system on the Majors and Pony field to keep our new infield material soft and playable.”

Opening Day game schedule

Majors (Majors Field)

9:00AM Padres @ Dodgers

AAA (Pony Field)

9:00AM Yankees @ Dodgers

11:30AM Padres @ Angels

AA (Temp Ocean Field)

9:00AM Royals @ Brewers

11:30AM Dodgers @ Cardinals

Softball Minors A (Majors Field)

11:30AM Team Angotti vs. Team Keenan

Softball Minors B (Pony Field)

3:30pm Team Lingo vs. Team Ryan

Tee-ball (Temp Landon Field)

9:00AM Giants @ Dodgers

10:30AM Marlines @ Yankees

12:00pm Angels @ Cubs

The League provides baseball and softball programs for over 300 boys and girls ages 4-14yo. We have teams in Tee-ball, AA, AAA, Majors, Juniors, and three levels of Softball teams.

“Thank you to all of the managers, coaches, parents and volunteers who are helping us kick off the 66th year of the Malibu Little League,” Shurgot said.

Registration is available at www.malibulittleleague.org.