The following incidents were reported between July 13 through 22


The following incidents were reported from July 13-22



An estimated $1,850 worth of electronics were stolen from a property on Seahorn Drive. The victim said they were in the process of moving and were not home when the incident occurred. The rear entrance glass door was smashed and their residence was ransacked.


Grand theft

A vehicle parked near Topanga Beach was broken into and a phone worth $800 and $320 in cash was stolen.



An estimated $579 worth of alcohol was stolen from Whole Foods on Civic Center Way. The victim said the suspect was seen walking out of the grocery store carrying a black backpack filled with alcohol merchandise. The suspect was described as a male, black, wearing a yellow bucket hat, pink sunglasses, navy blue jacket, and between 20 to 30 years old.


Petty Theft

Two black trash cans were stolen from a residence near Broad Beach Road. The victim had security cameras but were not working during the time the incident occured.


Burglary vehicle

A vehicle parked near Surfrider Beach was broken into and two iPhones worth $2,300 and multiple credit cards were stolen. The victim received a notification of a $15,000 purchase made at a Nordstrom and a $11,000 at the Apple store at The Grove in West Hollywood.