The following incidents were reported between Sept. 12 and Sept. 18


The following incidents were reported between Sept. 12 and Sept. 18


Grand Theft

An estimated $1,930.94 of alcohol was stolen from Colony Liquor. The victim said the three suspects were seen hiding multiple items in their bag and then walking out of the store. The security footage was provided for evidence.



A vehicle parked near Zuma Beach was broken into and an iPhone, wallet and bracelet worth $3,000 was stolen. There were no security cameras available for evidence.



A residence on Blue Dane Lane was broken into and ransacked. The victim was notified by the gardener after seeing the sliding door glass shattered. The sliding door was estimated to cost $800 to repair.



A property on Malibu Country Drive was broken into and multiple household items were stolen. The victim’s sliding door window was shattered and there were no other signs of forced entry.


Vehicle burglary

A vehicle parked near Topanga State Beach was broken into and an iPhone, laptop and wallet were stolen. The victim’s laptop was worth $3,000 and the iPhone was worth $1,200. The victim was notified of an $11,500 purchase made at Bloomingdale’s and a $2,700 purchase made at an Apple Store in Sherman Oaks. There were no security cameras available for evidence.



A vehicle parked on Encinal Canyon Road was broken into and the window was shattered. The victim said nothing appeared to have been stolen. The damage was estimated to cost $700 to repair. There were no security cameras available for evidence.