The following incidents were reported between March 26 – April 7


Shattered glass
A vehicle parked near Sea Lane Drive was broken into and the front passenger side window was shattered. The victim said there was no report of anything missing. The window was estimated to cost $1,000 to repair.

Petty Theft
A vehicle parked on the Surfrider Beach parking lot was broken into and ransacked. The victim’s phone worth $400, and multiple credit cards were missing from the center console.

Grand Theft
Headlights worth $8,000 were stolen from a vehicle parked on Pacific Coast Highway. The victim said there was security footage near the incident but not facing the vehicle.

Home burglary
An estimated $24,000 worth of jewelry and designer bags were stolen from a home on Cavalleri Road. There were no signs of forced entry. The property manager was contacted to provide security footage of the incident.

An estimated $3,000 worth of jewelry was stolen from a home on Corral Canyon Road. The victim said all the windows and doors were locked prior to leaving. The victim said there were security cameras however, they were not functioning during the incident.

Attempt Grand Theft
A vehicle parked near Coastline Drive was broken into and the catalytic converter was stolen. The victim said the vehicle had fresh cut marks on the exhaust system. The catalytic converter was worth $500.

A vehicle parked on Pacific Coast Highway was broken into and two windows were shattered. The victim was a Paradise Cove employee and finished their shift and upon return, they noticed the windows were shattered but nothing was taken. The windows were estimated to cost $300 each to repair.

A home on Cavalleri Road was burglarized. The victim said the front entrance door was damaged. The damage was estimated to cost $7,700 to repair.

Petty Theft
A vehicle parked near Corral Canyon Road was broken into and ransacked. There was no evidence of forced entry. The victim said they forgot to lock their vehicle. The victim said they received a notification of a $754 charge at a Walgreens in Santa Monica.

A vehicle parked near Topanga Beach was broken into and a wallet and iPhone worth $1,200 was stolen. The victim left his keyfob under the tailpipe of the vehicle, went surfing and upon return the key was missing and his vehicle was ransacked. The victim received a notification of an attempted withdrawal of $2,500. The charges were declined and the victim canceled their cards. The victim said there was no sign of forced entry. There were no security cameras available for evidence.

Petty Theft
A wallet was stolen from a bag at the Trancas Country Market self checkout. The victim left their bag unattended while they stepped away to grab a water bottle but when they returned to the register, their wallet was missing from their purse. The store employee said they did not notice anyone near the register at the time she had walked away. The Trancas Country Market store director said there were no self checkout registers at the store, and said they must have meant check stand six. The security footage was provided for evidence.

Grand Theft
Two paintings worth $15,000 were stolen from a vehicle parked on Castlerock Road. The victim said the vehicle was locked but there was no evidence of forced entry. The deputy believes the vehicle was left unlocked.

An estimated $3,800 worth of electronics were stolen from a vehicle parked near Broad Beach. The victim parked on the north side of Pacific Coast Highway, made sure the doors were locked but when they returned, the rear passenger side window was shattered and their vehicle was ransacked. There were no security cameras available for evidence.

Vehicle theft
A wallet was stolen from an unlocked vehicle parked on Skyline View Drive. The suspect was seen on surveillance entering the vehicle and taking the wallet from the victims backpack. The suspect was described as a male, wearing dark clothing and a brown backpack. The estimated time the suspect took to take the wallet was two minutes.