The following incidents were reported between June 28 to July 2


Vehicle Burglary
A vehicle parked near Escondido Canyon Beach was broken into, and the victim’s wallet and purse were stolen. The victim noticed the door lock was damaged and was estimated to cost $1,500 to repair. The victim received a notification of an estimated $102 charge made at a Nordstrom in Los Angeles, and a $205 charge made at an ALO Yoga. The victim was able to contact her bank to stop all transactions. There were no security cameras available for evidence.

Vehicle vandalized
A vehicle parked near Escondido Canyon Beach was broken into, and the door handle was vandalized. The victim went hiking, and upon return, noticed the damaged door handle. The victim said no items have been stolen. The damaged was estimated to cost $1,500 to repair. There were no security cameras available for evidence.

Burglary x x
A vehicle parked near El Matador State Beach was broken into and ransacked. The victim locked the vehicle, went hiking, and upon return, noticed the window had been shattered. The victim said their backpack with personal belongings was taken from the passenger seat including a laptop worth $1,500. The window was estimated to cost $400 to repair. There were no security cameras available for evidence.

Vehicle burglary
A vehicle parked near El Matador State Beach was broken into and ransacked. The victim parked her vehicle and went to work, and upon return, she noticed the rear passenger window had been shattered, and her duffle bag containing first-aid supplies had been taken. The duffle bag was worth $200. The miscellaneous supplies were worth $400. The window was estimated to cost $1,000 to repair. There were no security cameras available for evidence.