The following incidents were reported between June 18 to June 19


The following incidents were reported between June 18 to June 19

Vehicle burglary
A vehicle parked near Malibu Pier was broken into and an iPhone, passport, wallet, and an estimated $1,250 in cash was stolen. The victim locked their vehicle, hid the keys at a nearby lifeguard tower, went surfing, and upon return, the keys were missing and their vehicle was ransacked. There were no security cameras available for evidence.

A vehicle parked on Malibu Canyon Road was broken into, and a Polaroid camera worth $500 was stolen. The victim said their front and rear passenger side windows were shattered. The windows were estimated to cost $100 to repair.

A vehicle parked near Vintage Grocers was broken into, and a laptop worth $3,000 was stolen. The victim said the passenger side window was shattered, and their backpack containing the laptop was stolen. There were security cameras available for evidence. The manager provided the phone number of the contracted security cameras to access the footage.

Vehicle theft
A vehicle parked near Topanga State Beach was broken into and ransacked. The victim placed the key fob underneath the rear passenger wheel, went surfing, and upon return, their vehicle was ransacked, and their wallet was stolen. The victim received notification of three unauthorized purchases made with their credit cards; one at a Louis Vuitton store for $8,376; one at Saks Fifth Avenue for $6,132; and a purchase at an Apple Store for $7,672.