The following incidents were reported between July 16 to July 20


Vehicle Burglary
A vehicle parked near Cross Creek was broken into and ransacked. The victim’s iPhone and wallet were missing from the passenger seat. The victim received a notification of multiple attempt purchases made at two retail stores in Culver City for a total of $2,700. There were no security cameras available for evidence.

Vehicle burglary
A vehicle parked near Topanga State Beach was broken into and ransacked. The victim’s iPhone and wallet were stolen from the rear passenger seat. The victim received a notification of charges made at a Nike store in Santa Monica for $1,345 and a declined charge of $957 at the same Nike store in Santa Monica. There were no security cameras available for evidence.

Grand Theft
Electrical charging cables were cut and stolen from a parking lot at Zuma Beach. The cost of each charging station was $500 totaling to $3,000. There were no security cameras available for evidence.

A vehicle parked near the Getty Villa was broken into and ransacked. The victim returned to see the lock box had been damaged and their wallet, phone, and $20 in cash was stolen. There was no damage made to the vehicle, only to the lock box. There were no security cameras available for evidence.