The following incidents were reported between Feb. 6 and Feb. 18


An iPhone, wallet, and $150 in cash was stolen from a vehicle parked near Malibu Lagoon. The victim placed the key in a “Hideaway Key” container, went surfing and upon return, the key was missing and his vehicle was ransacked. The victim was notified of a $10,000 transaction made to his credit card, and a $12,600 transaction made at a Bloomingdale’s.

A vehicle parked near Topanga State Beach was broken into and ransacked. The victim’s iPhone, credit cards and designer wallet was stolen. The damage to the vehicle was estimated to cost $1,000 to repair. The victim received a notification of a $5,000 transfer made from his bank account and an estimated $14,943 worth of purchases made to his credit cards.

Grand Theft
An estimated $823 worth of clothes was stolen from The Alcove on Cross Creek. The suspects were seen on security footage hiding the items and walking out of the store without paying.

A vehicle parked near Topanga State Beach was broken into and ransacked. The victim hid their key underneath a rock, went surfing, and upon return, the key was missing and his vehicle was ransacked. The victim received a notification of a $1,987 purchase made at an Apple Store and a withdrawal of $903.

A vehicle parked near Broad Beach Road was broken into and ransacked. The victim hid the key in the center console, went surfing, and upon return, noticed the trunk was left open and his vehicle was ransacked. The victim’s iPhone and wallet were stolen. The victim received a notification of a purchase made at an Apple Store for the total of $1,535.

Grand theft
A vehicle parked on Pacific Coast Highway was broken into, and a pair of sunglasses and golf clubs were missing. There were no security cameras available for evidence. The golf clubs were worth $2,000. The glasses were worth $200.

A vehicle parked at Nicholas Canyon Country Beach parking lot was broken into and ransacked. The victim left the key in the key fob, went surfing and upon return, the key was missing and their iPhone, wallet, and $100 in cash was stolen. The victim said they tracked their phone in the city of Inglewood. The victim said there were no charges made to his credit cards. There were no security cameras available for evidence.