Sweat For A Good Cause


Malibu Fitness hosts a MainSprings FUNdraiser on Saturday, Jan 21st.


9am – 9:30am – Outdoor Spin w/ Mary

9am – 9:30am – CardioCarnivale Dance w/ Corey

9:40am – 10am Body Conditioning w/ Chris Tai

10am – 10:30am Yoga Stretch w/ Annushka

10:30am Breathwork w/ Chris Tai

Cost: $25

Early arrival suggested

What’s it for?

MainSprings is a nonprofit that works to alleviate extreme rural poverty in Tanzania, East Africa by providing quality education for more than 525 students. They also provide homes for girls who have been abused and abandoned, and access to health care. They support these women through their college education.


Here is a list of much needed items if you would like to donate:

  • New underwear and bras
  • Clothes for girls (all sizes)
  • Shoes for boys and girls
  • Flip flops for girls
  • Art supplies
  • Alice Frazier, a member of Malibu Fitness, is traveling to Tanzania at the end of January and will personally bring your donations.