Summer Wheaton ordered to wear ankle bracelet 

Credit Summer Wheaton’s Linkedin.

Summer Wheaton, the Los Angeles woman charged in connection with the fatal crash on Pacific Coast Highway on July 4, has been ordered to wear an alcohol-monitoring ankle bracelet. 

At a court appearance Monday, Superior Court Commissioner Sarah Ellenberg ordered Wheaton to register for a SCRAM (Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor) device within two days.

Wheaton, 33, allegedly drove intoxicated after attending a July 4 party at Nobu, crossing the center median, colliding head-on with ride-share driver Martin Okeke, who was killed in the crash. Prosecutors say Wheaton’s blood alcohol level was .10, over the legal limit.  Prosecutors also allege she was driving 81 mph when she veered out of her eastbound lane into westbound traffic. She pleaded not guilty to charges of gross vehicular manslaughter and causing great bodily harm while intoxicated.

A wrongful-death lawsuit filed by Okeke’s family names Wheaton, Nobu Malibu, and event organizers as defendants, alleging that Wheaton was hired to attend the party and was encouraged to drink. Nobu denies hiring her. The event’spermit had been rescinded by Malibu officials days before the party due to safety concerns, yet it proceeded, raising further legal questions.

Wheaton remains out on a $230,000 bond and is scheduled for a preliminary hearing in late April.