Summer Recreation Guide and City Newsletter available; BGCM after school programs


Summer Recreation Guide and City Newsletter available 

The Summer Recreation Guide is available online and will be mailed to residents the week of April 24. The guide features upcoming summer programs offered June through August, including Learn to Swim Lessons, Summer Day Camps, CineMalibu Community Movies in the Park, Outdoor Recreation at Charmlee Wilderness Park, Parent and Me Programs, Senior Programs and Excursions, and the Summer Coed Adult Softball League. Visit for details.

An informational booth will be on Saturday, April 29 at Malibu Bluffs Park from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Participants can receive a printed copy of the Recreation Guide, a goodie bag and have the opportunity to ask program and park-related questions to staff. Registration for Summer Programs opens on Monday, May 1 at 8 AM,

Residents can find information for upcoming Summer programs, including Aquatics, Outdoor Recreation at Charmlee Wilderness Park, Parent and Me Programs, Senior Programs and Excursions, Summer Break Day Camps, Youth Sports, Park Tales, and Special Events.

After school programs in partnership with the Malibu Boys and Girls Club

Afterschool programs begin the week of April 17 at Malibu Elementary School and Webster Elementary School. The City will offer three classes, Animal Adventures, Basketball, and Theater Improv, for students in grades TK through 5. Visit the community programs webpage for details and to register.