Status of Public Works Projects

Road work sign. Photo by Samantha Bravo/TMT.
  • The City of Malibu provided a list of public projects and potential road closures, construction and clear ups.
  • Marie Canyon Green Streets Project â€“ The contractor has completed the installation of the new filters. Staff started the process of closing out the project and bringing it to Council at an upcoming meeting.
  • Malibu Road Drainage Repair Project â€“ The contractor has been delayed for several weeks due to the recent rain. The Contractor has rebuilt the slope, constructed a new retaining wall, installed a subdrain, rebuilt a section of the road shoulder. The contractor will construct new curbs as the weather clears up.
  • Encinal Canyon Road Drainage Repair Project â€“ The contractor has been delayed due to the recent rain by a few weeks. The contractor started the clearing and grubbing stage.
  • Caltrans Paving Project â€“ Caltrans will begin night work on PCH from Malibu Lagoon to Corral Canyon Road, March 13 through late May, weather permitting.
  • Southern California Gas Company â€“ SoCalGas continues to perform night work on PCH from Big Rock Drive to Tuna Canyon Road to repair their gas line. This work is necessary before Caltrans can proceed with slope restoration on the coastal side of PCH south of Big Rock Drive.