St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, the 501(c)3 nonprofit held the 17th annual Harvest of Hope Fundraiser on Saturday, Oct. 1, which benefits local organizations such as the Malibu Community Labor Exchange, Interfaith Refugee and Immigration Services (IRIS), and The International Committee of the Red Cross.
“We were overwhelmed this year by the generosity of the Malibu business community,” St. Aidan’s Harvest of Hope Wine Festival, Silent Auction Co-Chair Rebecca Sprigg said. “We set records for funds raised. This would not have been possible without help from the many businesses that donated their products and services to the Silent Auction. Most importantly, all funds raised went to nonprofits promoting peace and social justice in Malibu and beyond.”

The annual Harvest of Hope raises funds for organizations working for peace and social justice in Malibu and surrounding cities.
Attendees enjoyed an evening at the Malibu church overlooking the Pacific Ocean, live music, delicious food, and an opportunity to support the organizations.
The Malibu Community Labor Exchange provides day laborers with jobs as well as training and support.
Interfaith, Refugee, and Immigration Services (IRIS) offer refugee resettlement assistance, employment placement, and immigration legal aid.
The International Committee of the Red Cross helps those affected by armed conflict around the world and promotes compliance with international humanitarian law.
Individuals can also participate by making a donation or placing an ad in their event program; rates are quarter page $250, half page $500, or full page $1,000. Purchasing tickets to events, suggested donations are $50 individual and $100 family.