Sheriff’s Department says inattentive driving the cause of another PCH accident


Car flips on PCH

Pacific Coast Highway is the scene of another car wreck. On Friday November 3, a female unlicensed driver flipped her car while not paying attention to the road. The Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Lost Hills/Malibu station responded to the scene at 1:30 in the afternoon. They found three wrecked cars, one upside down. The female driver of the flipped car told law enforcement she dropped her phone while driving eastbound near Decker Canyon. Instead of paying attention, the unlicensed driver in her 30’s tried to fish for the phone at her feet. That’s when she hit two parked cars. No injuries were reported. Two of the cars are totaled. The owners of the hit vehicles heard the crash and came out to the highwayfrom a nearby residence. Investigators are still determining if speeding was a factor. Meanwhile, the driver has been cited for driving without a license.