Letter to The Editor: Schmitz & Associates Presentation on Reforming the Malibu Planning Department


Dear Editor, 

The advertised public forum about reforming the Malibu Planning Department’s process piqued my interest like it did to the many who attended the presentation given by Don Schmitz at Elkins Hall on Pepperdine’s campus last Thursday.

If you have been involved in the entitlement process to build a new home or remodel or add to an existing home in the City of Malibu, you know firsthand how time consuming, expensive and complicated that process is. 

In his presentation, Mr. Schmitz boldly articulated many valid criticisms and suggestions for improvements which were accompanied by supporting statistics and professionally displayed graphics. Most, if not all these criticisms are well known to the architects, engineers, and consultants who practice in our town and to the residential property owners who apply for planning and building permits here.

I wish and hope that City Councilmembers, Planning Commissioners, the City Manager, the Planning Director, and the Building Official read the transcript or watch the video of Mr. Schmitz’s presentation and organize a response that is both internal and public. I hope that a series of meetings are scheduled to vet Mr. Schmitz’s suggestions and other related issues so that the entitlement process is substantially improved.

Richard Sol 

Architect Inc, Malibu