RCD’s Community Workshop Series: WiLD CiTY!

Photo courtesy RCD.

The RCD is excited to announce their first ever community workshop series, WiLD CiTY – a set of hands-on immersive experiences within LA’s wildspaces guided by our team of experts. The RCD has led enrichment programs for thousands of students since 1964 providing access and insight to local natural areas, and now hope to share this unique opportunity with a wider audience, offering an enriched lens into our shared LA ecosystem. 

Throughout this six-part community workshop series, participants will experience wildspaces across Los Angeles County guided by professionals in environmental and creative fields. You will receive hands-on training with fundamental scientific practices including water quality testing, bird presence and diversity surveys, invasive species removal, and plant identification as well immerse yourself in creative experiences with both watercolor scientific painting and nature journaling – all set within the backdrop of some of LA’s most scenic natural areas. Following each workshop, there will be an optional opportunity to further engage with fellow workshop participants and leaders at nearby coffee shops, cafes, breweries, tasting rooms and wineries.

This series will take place on select Saturdays in May through June 2023. Space is limited so be sure to reserve your spot via our website: https://www.rcdsmm.org/wild-city-workshop/