Racing may be the cause of a crash in Malibu hills

Interesection of Schuren and Saddlepeak Road. Photo by Samantha Bravo.

Accident at ‘Top of the World’ sparks small fire 

The California Highway Patrol is investigating an accident in the Malibu hills area called “Top of the World.” Investigators are trying to determine if high speeds and racing cars caused two vehicles to collide July 30. 

The CHP was called to the scene where Stunt, Schueren, and Saddlepeak roads meet at a scenic lookout, often the scene of car racing. When CHP arrived at 11:11 p.m., they found one car on fire in the middle of the road and another 30 feet over the side of an embankment.

According to a CHP log, “multiple” people were transported by ambulances to nearby hospitals. A CHP officer said their injuries were recorded as minor. An investigation is pending.