Planning Commission to discuss the temporary tow-yard at Malibu Middle and High School Campus Monday night


The Planning Commission will discuss the temporary tow-yard at the Malibu Middle and High School Campus on the Monday, May 15 meeting.

City officials plan to store up to 31 impounded cars per day (on weekends and holidays from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend) at the middle school’s lower parking lot by Morning View Drive from May 27, 2023 to September 4.

At its September 7, 2022 Public Safety Commission meeting, commissioners discussed options regarding an impound yard for the summer months. After a lengthy discussion and reflection on past efforts, the Commission voted in favor of forming an Impound Yard Ad Hoc committee to explore sites for a permanent impound yard and a temporary impound yard for the summer of 2023.

For more than 20 years the small parking lot next to the school bus garage in the center of campus was used as an impound lot.

This summer, the city proposes to use the front parking lot near the new middle school.

A city staff report says the lower parking lot was selected this year to prevent truck traffic from infiltrating the campus and residential neighborhoods north of the campus.

Last summer, city officials were unable to use the high school as an impound lot area due to the school district had construction planned there.

Recommended Action: Adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 23-29 determining the project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act, and approving Conditional Use Permit No. 23-002 to permit a temporary short-term tow yard in the lower parking lot of the Malibu Middle and High School campus to store impounded vehicles from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM on weekends and holidays from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend of 2023 in the Institutional Zoning District at 30215 Morning View Drive.

New Items:

Extension of Coastal Development Permit No. 16-064, Variance No. 17-011, Site Plan Review No. 17-042, and Minor Modification No. 17-008 – An application to extend the Planning Commission’s approval for construction of a new one-story, single-family residence and associated development. Recommended Action: Continue the item to the June 19, 2023 Regular Planning Commission meeting.

Extension of Coastal Development Permit No. 14-028 – A request to extend the Planning Commission’s approval of an application for the construction of a new single-family home and associated development (Continued from May 1, 2023).

Recommended Action: Adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 23-23 granting a one-year time extension of Coastal Development Permit No. 14-028 for the construction of a new 7,237 square foot single-family residence with attached garage, swimming pool, spa, and roof deck on a beachfront lot and removal of an existing rock revetment, including Variance No. 14-012 for construction on steep slopes and Variance No. 15-013 for construction of a shoreline protection device to allow for the continued protection of an existing slope and surrounding properties located in the Single-Family Medium Density zoning district at 31438 Broad Beach Road.

New Public Hearings:

Coastal Development Permit-Woolsey Fire No. 22-007, Site Plan Review No. 22-016 – An application for an addition to a previously approved fire rebuild single-family residence and associated development.

Recommended Action: Adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 23-26 determining that the project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act and approving Coastal Development Permit–Woolsey Fire No. 22-007 for the construction of a 2,113 square foot addition to a replacement single-family residence approved under Planning Verification-Woolsey Fire No. 21-003, rooftop deck, after-the-fact landscape, swimming pool, spa and other site improvements; including Site Plan Review No. 22-016 for the addition over 18 feet in height not to exceed 24 feet in height for a flat roof, located in the Rural Residential, Two-Acre zoning district at 30125 Harvester Road .

Coastal Development Permit No. 20-055, Minor Modification No. 21-010, and Demolition Permit No. 20-025 – An application for the demolition of an existing single-family residence, conversion of an existing guest house into the primary residence, and associated development.

Recommended Action: Adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 23-30 determining the project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act, and approving Coastal Development Permit No. 20-055 for the demolition of an existing 2,176 square foot, two-story single-family residence, conversion of an existing 1,753 square foot guest house into the primary residence, remodel of an existing tea house, grading, landscaping, hardscape, and replacement of the onsite wastewater treatment system, including Minor Modification No. 21-010 for up to a 50 percent reduction of the front yard setback and Demolition Permit No. 20-025 for the full demolition of the existing single-family residence and less than 50 percent demolition of the tea house, located on a beachfront lot in the Single Family Medium zoning district at 23746 Malibu Road.

New Business:

Over-the-Counter No. 22-231 Howdy’s Sonrisa Café Update. Location: 23401 Civic Center Way, not within the appealable coastal zone

Recommended Action: Receive an update on enclosed space at Howdy’s Sonrisa Cafe.
