Planning Commission approves wastewater system


The commission approved a permit for a 66-linear-feet demolition

To start off the Planning Commission meeting on Monday, Oct. 21, the commission shared its concerns with the recent power outage that occurred due to the Red Flag Warning that was issued over the weekend.

The commission moved on to Administrative Coastal Development Permit No. 23-011; an application to demolish an existing single-family residence, construct a new single-family residence, install a new onsite wastewater system, and associated development. The commission approved the extension.

The commission approved Administrative Plan Review No. 24-038, Variance No. 24-009, and Demolition Permit No. 24-042; an application to replace an existing retaining wall and widen an existing driveway.

After a break the commission approved Coastal Development Permit No. 22-030; an application by the County of Los Angeles to construct a 7,172-foot-long, 12-inch diameter, water main that will connect to the Las Virgenes Municipal Water District to be used in times of emergency.

The commission continued to Coastal Development Permit No. 22-031, Variance No. 23-031, and Variance No. 23-032; an application to demolish the existing onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS), surrounding retaining walls, and access stairs from Malibu Road, and construct a new OWTS, bulkhead, retaining walls, and access stairs from Malibu Road; including variances for geological factor of safety and 100-year economic life of the structure based on the finished floor elevation of the new bulkhead.

Commissioner John Mazza was opposed to approving the permit and suggested continuing the item until a variance is presented to the commission. The motion failed.

The commission moved on to Coastal Development Permit No. 24-039 and Demolition Permit No. 24-037; an application for an interior and exterior remodel of an existing two-story, beachfront single-family residence, resulting in a height increase from 18 feet to 24 feet; including a demolition permit for the demolition of 66 linear feet of the exterior walls (23 percent demolition).

The commission approved the demolition permit with added conditions.

The next Planning Commission meeting is on Nov. 4 at the Council Chambers.