Planning Commission approves Lechuza Beach project without restroom facility

The stairs leading to Lechuza Beach are shown. Photo by Samantha Bravo/TMT

The commission approved Southern California Edison’s permits for the replacements of four deteriorated power poles 

On Monday night’s Planning Commission meeting, the first item addressed was the Lechuza Beach Public Access Improvement Project Coastal Development Permit. After an hour discussion, the commission approved the proposal without a restroom facility. 

The proposal includes improving accessibility with the installation of a new ADA accessible single-stall restroom, onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS), gate, access improvements, ADA van parking space and access aisle, and reconstruction of existing view platforms and staircases. The proposal also includes a conditional use permit for an OWTS and leachfield to be located on separate properties, variances for locating public access improvements on a steep slope, for a reduction in the blufftop setback, and for retaining wall heights in excess of six feet, and a sign permit for the installation of informational signs. 

This project was previously addressed at the Feb. 20 Planning Commission meeting. The main concern was the restroom but additional concerns were expressed regarding emergency evacuation access for residents and visitors, vehicle and pedestrian public safety on West Sea Level Drive, and non-native landscaping in the proposed development area.

In summary, the Planning Commission expressed five primary issues with the project as proposed on Feb. 20. 

1. Relocate the restroom building or remove it from the project entirely due to public view impacts, scenic and visual impacts, and potential for public safety and environmental hazards from wave action.

2. If the restroom were to remain in the project and depending on its location, the applicant should be required to post a bond for removal after the 25-year design life or if damaged by wave action, whichever occurs first.

3. Require all public access gates to open automatically in the event of a power outage to provide emergency egress for residents and visitors to Lechuza Beach.

4. Widen the West Sea Level Drive paved roadway to provide safer vehicle and pedestrian access between Broad Beach Road and the public access location at the base of West Sea Level Drive.

5. Remove ornamental/non-native planting (ice plant) near the bottom of East Sea Level Drive in the project development area and replant with native vegetation. 

This 782 page report can be seen on the city’s website:

After public comment, MRCA Costal Project Special Council Elena Eger attended the meeting via Zoom to answer any questions.

Commissioner Skylar Peak asked what MRCA would do if the gate closed and locked during a power outage or wildfire. 

“Not knowing the circumstances of the next emergency, I think it is our policy to try to get there and open up gates, and that’s as reasonable and as practical,” Eger said.

Eger said they will have their officials open the gate if it’s safe for them to do so. She also said the residents will have the code so they may be able to open the gates for anyone need to get through.

Chair Craig Hill said his main concern wasn’t mentioned in the staff report in regard to the concrete and materials used in this project.

The commission motioned to approve the project without a restroom facility. 

The commission approved four Coastal Development Permits for the replacements of four deteriorated Southern California Edison power poles and install a new 34-foot-tall wooden guy pole to support an existing utility pole within the public right-of-way located at 3016.5 Malibu Canyon Road.

The Planning Commission approved Coastal Development Permit No. 24-006 and Demolition Permit No. 24-010. A previously approved application for the construction of a new guest house, garage, onsite wastewater treatment system and associated improvements, and partial demolition of an existing accessory structure. The motion passed.

The commission approved Coastal Development Permit No. 22-050. An application for a new single-family residence, detached second unit, art studio, and associated development with the condition to remove the fencing parallel to the creek. The motion passed. 

The next Planning Commission meeting is on April 15 at the Council Chambers.