Interim Planning Director Maureen Tamuri introduced at the meeting
The Planning Commission began Monday night’s (Aug. 19) meeting with motioning to continue item 4.a, Coastal Development Permit No. 19-014, to the Sept. 3 regular Planning Commission meeting.
Most of the public comments were not related to anything on the agenda but were in relations to the upcoming City Council campaign.
“The campaigns on people — don’t believe everything you hear,” Chair John Mazza said. “When you hear things in social media and speakers, check ‘em out, see if they’re true.”
Vice Chair Drew Leonard encouraged the Planning Commission to pledge not to mention the upcoming campaign.Kraig Hill said he would take the pledge, but Mazza said he “will not sign on to that.”
“I’ve been through at least 10 elections, probably 15? I’ve seen how certain people act, with trolls and lies,” Mazza said. “I don’t intend to go out there and be politico and stir up trouble, but I cannot stand by and have people attack when I know they’re being lied about.”
After the commissioners’ comments, Maureen Tamuri attended the meeting to announce her new position as interim planning director.

Tamuri brings over 40 years of experience and expertise in planning, architecture, and community development.
“I pledge you my professional best,” Tamuri said.
Tamuri’s career highlights her ability to lead complex projects, develop innovative solutions, and collaborate across departments and agencies. Her deep understanding of planning, local government service, and commitment to community development will be invaluable in her new role with the City of Malibu Planning Department.
“It’s a pleasure to put all that skill to work,” she said. “I hope to make the most of my time here.”
Tamuri said she has 960 hours with the city, or until a new successor is appointed.
The planning commission moved on to item 3.A.1. Coastal Development Permit No. 22-003, Variance No. 22-024, Variance No. 23-004, and Site Plan Review No. 22-029; an application to construct a new, two-story single-family residence and associated development. After about an hour of deliberation, the commission approved the application.
After a brief intermission, the commission received a report on the 2021-2029 Housing Element and Code Amendments.
This agenda report provides information to consider an amendment to the Malibu General Plan for the 2021-2029 Housing Element Update and related LCP and MMC amendments to implement mandatory programs in the 2021-2029 Housing Element.
The Housing Element Update includes analysis of the community’s housing needs, opportunities and constraints, as well as policies and programs to facilitate the construction, rehabilitation, and preservation of housing for all economic segments of the community. Every city and county in California is required by law to prepare a Housing Element update for the “sixth housing element update cycle”.
The statutory deadline to adopt a certified 2021-2029 (sixth cycle) Housing Element for all jurisdictions in the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) region, including the City of Malibu, was on Oct. 15, 2021.
After an hour debate and another brief recess, the commissioners approved the staff report with recommendations.
The next Planning Commission is on Tuesday, Sept. 2.