Planning Commission addresses the increase in tanker trucks in Malibu after recent fatal incident 


The commission asked city staff when the TUP meeting will be rescheduled 

During the Planning Commission meeting on Monday night, May 6, Commissioner Kraig Hill mentioned the letter to the editor he submitted last week to The Malibu Times on the increase in trailer trucks on the highway. Hill’s letter is in relation to the fatal incident that occurred on March 29 on Cross Creek Road and Pacific Coast Highway. A tanker truck had been returning from delivering fuel at Pt. Mugu and homicide detectives said a homeless individual ran in front of the truck going down the highway. Dimitri Failla, 32, died from blunt force injuries after being struck by the tanker truck.

“I’m wondering if staff has any update — if we’re handling trucks any different on the highway now, including the ones that park in the center median,” Hill said. 

In the past year or two, Hill has noticed non-local trailer trucks on PCH more frequently than in the past. 

“I find myself on PCH several times per week, and lately have noticed them several times per month,” Hill said in his letter. “Getting the non-local trucks off of PCH is part of transforming it from a de facto freeway into a neighborhood boulevard.”

Planning Director Richard Mollica said the public safety department has been looking into the issue and is coordinating with the sheriff’s department, and said it will be addressed in the city council level. 

Commissioner Dennis Smith agreed with Hill and said the tanker trucks are a problem. 

“We shouldn’t have anything like that going through town — it’s bad,” Smith said. “They can go around us, they don’t like it, but they can do that.”

Chair John Mazza asked city staff about the Temporary Use Permit meeting that was rescheduled from Feb. 12. The hearing is to consider an ordinance and the Planning Commission’s recommendations on updating regulations for TUPs, which are permits for events at non-residential properties.

Mollica said the TUP meeting was supposed to take place next week at City Council; however, it has been postponed.

“It’s set now in the first meeting in June,” Mollica said. “I hope it doesn’t move again, but it has been postponed.”

Chair Mazza pulled item 3.B1, an extension of Coastal Development Permit No. 18-005; a request to extend the Planning Commission’s approval for construction of a new single-family residence and associated development, for question.

The commission motioned to approve Coastal Development Permit-Woolsey Fire No. 22-001, an application for a conversion of existing accessory structure (studio) to a second unit, and construction of new swimming pool, spa with associated pool equipment, decking, onsite wastewater treatment system, and other site improvements.

The commission motioned to approve Coastal Development Permit No. 21-038; a follow-up application for an emergency foundation repair of an existing garage.

The next Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for May 20.