Nobu issued meager wrist slap by City of Malibu

Photo by Samantha Bravo/TMT.

Fees and fines for unpermitted July 4 event fine total less than the cost of a single ticket

A public records request has revealed the City of Malibu has issued total fees and fines of only $1,700 against Nobu after it defied the city and proceeded with an unpermitted July 4 party this summer. The city had indicated earlier that fines were levied against the high-end restaurant, but as with the 2023 event, declined to reveal the amount imposed, again necessitating a public records act request to uncover the information. This year’s fees and fines were actually smaller than last year’s total of $1,821, notwithstanding the restaurant’s failure to present an acceptable parking plan after the 2023 event, which left limos and party buses abandoned on Pacific Coast Highway causing a dangerous traffic jam. The latest $1,700 amount is itemized as code enforcement officer time billed at $200 per hour totaling $1,600 and a $100 administration citation.

Despite efforts by The Malibu Times to obtain a comment from Nobu, the restaurant has yet to respond.