Minimum wage cost of living increase for all businesses in Malibu City limits

Malibu sign on PCH. Photo by Samantha Bravo/TMT.

The City of Malibu has set the year 2023 annual Minimum Wage increase to be 5.9 percent based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI), for a Minimum Wage of $16.90 effective July 1, 2023 for all employers in City limits. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics set the CPI increase during 2022 at 5.9 percent for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers, not seasonally adjusted, in the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim statistical region.

Starting January 1, 2022, the City of Malibu’s minimum wage began to increase every year on July 1 based on the CPI increase.  

By mirroring the minimum wage increases of Los Angeles County and some neighboring cities, the City hopes to help local businesses stay competitive and be able to attract excellent staff. 

The City Council voted on March 28, 2016 to incrementally raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2020, mirroring L.A. County’s minimum wage increase. Companies with more than 25 employees were required to pay employees no less than $10.50 after July 1, 2016, with the following phased increases:  

  • $10.50 starting July 1, 2016 
  • $12.00 starting July 1, 2017 
  • $13.25 starting July 1, 2018 
  • $14.25 starting July 1, 2019 
  • $15.00 starting July 1, 2020
  • Minimum wage cost of living increase based on CPI effective every year July 1  

 To give smaller local businesses with fewer than 25 employees adequate time to adjust to the changes, the City’s ordinance provided a one-year delay. Their minimum wage increases started July 1, 2017, and were set to rise annually on the same schedule until reaching $15.00 per hour in 2021. As of July 1, 2022, small businesses with fewer than 25 employees had to adhere to the same minimum wage established by the Ordinance (Malibu Municipal Code §15.64). 

To see a video explaining the ordinance, visit the City’s minimum wage webpage.