Malibu Scouts and Malibu Search and Rescue team up at Our Lady of Malibu

Malibu Scouts Pack 224 had a first-hand demonstration by the community's very own Malibu Search and Rescue, the volunteer nonprofit organization. The scouts were given a tour of the equipment used during rescues, such as a pulley and portable beds, at Our Lady of Malibu. Photos courtesy Ann Gorby.

MSAR deputies tell amazing stories of local rescue operations

Last week, Malibu Scouts Pack 224 had a first-hand demonstration by the community’s very own Malibu Search and Rescue, the volunteer nonprofit organization. The scouts were given a tour of the equipment used during rescues, such as a pulley and portable beds, at Our Lady of Malibu.

“Malibu Scouts meeting with Malibu Search and Rescue was truly amazing,” Anna Gorby, committee chair of the Malibu Scouts said. “The deputies gave participants a ride on the pulley machine, and kids were yelling with excitement, asking to swing on the rescue bed.”

The search and rescue team was represented by Reserve Sheriff’s Deputies Nick Razum and Neal Thornhill, andCivilian Volunteer Specialist James Grasso.

There were plenty of things to explore. Two trucks had lots of features that were filled with equipment available to police and fire departments only. Kids were amazed by the number of keys the deputies carry and even the handcuffs. 

There were plenty of things to explore. Two trucks had lots of features that were filled with equipment available to police and fire departments only. Kids were amazed by the number of keys the deputies carry and even the handcuffs. 

“Malibu Search and Rescue deputies and volunteers told us amazing stories of local rescue operations,” Gorby said.”The theme of the Scout meeting was ‘Loyal’ and it was fun to hear about various forms of loyalty. We even discussed the loyal dogs who serve at the Malibu Search and Rescue.”

Gorby said at the end of the tour, the children were taught how to tie a lasso knot.

Gorby said it was a true calling for people like Thornhill.

“I chose to do Search and Rescue because I wanted to do something that challenges me mentally, physically, emotionally — something that made me be the best person I could be,” he said. “I get to go and help people when they are having a really bad day.”

Gorby said it was a pleasant surprise to hear that Razum was also a Boy Scout. He shared what loyalty in a team meant to him. 

Grasso shared that they are the second referred busiest search and rescue team in the state: “This year, we had 120 callouts so far. We get a call two, three days per week.”

Malibu Scouts say a big “Thank you for the Malibu Search and Rescue” for a great and fun learning opportunity. 

Founded in 1977, the Malibu Search & Rescue Team is an all-volunteer organization comprised of Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department reserve deputy sheriffs, and civilian volunteer specialists. The members comprise one of the busiest teams in the state and are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in all weather conditions. They primarily cover 187 square miles of the Santa Monica Mountains from the Los Angeles/Ventura County line to Pacific Palisades and also respond to mutual aid requests from other search and rescue teams. MSAR responds to lost hikers, injured hikers, missing persons, vehicles over the side, aircraft accidents, wildfires, animal rescues, and mass casualty incidents. To learn more, visit 

Malibu Scouts is a place to teach respect and values, get fun authentic experiences, make new friends, and get off screens. The organization provides “skills beyond screens”, “social without the media”, and “search without screens.”

The new Malibu Scouts Cub Pack 224 was organized by Gorby, a longtime Malibu resident, after COVID closures have been lifted in 2022. Every year, the Cub Pack grows by 20 percent due to efforts in designing educational children’s programs and engaging fun activities. Their annual Pinewood Car Derby Race is an unrivaled and unique event for children that draws the entire community. Camps and hikes offer unique activities not available elsewhere: archery, slingshot, woodwork, candle making, leatherwork, kayaking, etc.  

Each year, the Malibu Scouts designs programs that children will cherish for the rest of their lives. Their programs are for students in Kindergarten through fifth grade who reside in or near Malibu. Malibu Scouts offers affordable hands oneducation for kids ages 5 through 10. Camping, hiking, and marine science programs are also available. In 2022, The Malibu Scouts had great success with the launch of the marine science program featuring a whale-watching activity. A commercial fishing boat launching out of Marina Del Rey took the kids out to encounter a large school of dolphins. They provide that experience annually with the help of Malibu City funding. 

Malibu Scouts Pack 224 is part of the Optimist Club of Malibu, sponsored by the BSA Troop 224, and has served students in Malibu since 1961. The Malibu Scouts committee members organize, fund, and staff numerous annual events,  such as the Pinewood Car Derby Race, Raingutter Regatta, year-round camping trips, local field trips such as Malibu City Hall, Malibu Search and Rescue, and a fire station. They participate in community charity events such as Operation Christmas Box and Labor Exchange, among many other events. In addition to organizing these events, the Malibu Scouts raises funds for the BSA and the Cub Pack 224, and many other services. Malibu Scouts Pack 224 brings one-of-a-kind experience every child should have. For more information, visit Instagram @MalibuPack224Scouts or call (310) 804-3267.