On behalf of Mr. Isaac Burgees Executive Director, Malibu Pathways:
Dear Malibu Staff and Families,
Due to severe weather causing road closures and challenges by staff and families to get to school sites, all Malibu schools will be closed tomorrow, Feb. 22, 2024.
We hope you and your family members and property are weathering this storm well. This has been quite the deluge during the past few weeks and we understand the unique concerns in Malibu.
The safety and health of our students and staff are our top priorities. We never take the decision to close schools lightly. We understand the impact it has on our students and families. It is disruptive to the continuity of education and presents a challenge for everyone.
Please watch for more information and instructions from your principal regarding the school closure tomorrow. The Malibu Boys & Girls Club will be closed and all campus activities and events are canceled for the day.
I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for your patience and adaptability as we continue to navigate through multiple storms and its aftereffects. Please take extra care in your travels around our community and beyond.
You may follow the City of Malibu alerts atwww.malibucity.org and Malibu Radio KBUU at www.RadioMalibu.net for updated information regarding Malibu roads, weather, surf and conditions.
Mr. Isaac Burgess, Executive Director, Malibu Pathway