Church donates funds to Malibu’s elementary schools and supports charitable causes local and worldwide
“It was so lovely to get such a loving donation from the church — it was a complete surprise to me! I got a lovely text from Joel and Shannon Dunn, some of our parents at Webster Elementary, and they informed me that Malibu Pacific Church will donate to our school’s parent teacher association to support the children at Webster Elementary,” a delighted Bobbi Thomason, Webster’s PTA president said. “The PTA will be meeting to determine how best to use the monies and we will make sure to allocate them to a use that is fitting for the generosity and thoughtfulness.”
On Nov. 10, Thomason and Amy Lingo, who represented Malibu Elementary, gratefully received the church’sdonations of $5,000 for each school, an amount that Malibu Pacific Church Pastor Andy VomSteeg said, “was raised by church congregants in just 30 seconds at the church’s Nov. 3 services.”
“It’s our favorite time of year because we put into practice our effort that we call Be Rich, a movement of generosity marked by compassion, hope and love and we are sharing our donations to support the community and beyond.”VomSteeg said. “The scripture commands at 1 Timothy 6:17-18 that we must be rich in good deeds and to serve.”
Discussing a principle that is often colloquially referred to as the “Golden Rule,” VomSteeg also elaborated about the Christian mandate that one should, “do unto others as you would have them do to you,” a command found in Matthew 7:12.
Discussing the fact that public school teachers are underpaid and often are not sufficiently resourced with all the supplies they need to teach students, VomSteeg stated, “The teachers in our schools need support and often have to purchase art and other supplies for the children themselves.”

It’s time to stop looking away
The congregants also discussed the church’s outreach efforts to benefit the Union Rescue Mission. Patty Phillips shared details concerning the Mission, which helps men, women, and children escape the streets of Skid Row in Los Angeles by providing food, shelter, and education. Union Rescue Mission is, VomSteeg shared, the largest charity organization of its kind nationwide.
“Tonight there will be 75,000 people experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles — It’s time to stop looking away!” the Mission’s website informs, a fact that Phillips discussed.
“Rescue Mission is the only mission that will not separate families” she stated, “The Mission never turns anyone away — they could use your help, especially this time of year.”
Phillips pointed out that when one contributes to the Rescue Mission, he “can help change the world in some small way.”
As services ended, attendees congregated on the church lawn, reflecting on the church’s efforts.
“It’s really great to support Malibu school students because I feel like I should be putting more money into the younger generation.” Savannah Rapallo said, adding, “They’ll be the future of our world.”
In the church narthex, Maud-Ann Sunderland and Ann and John Kim distributed small empty shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child, a giving effort coordinated by the charity Samaritan’s Purse, which asks contributors to fill the boxes with items for children.
“Donors use the shopping list, fill the boxes, return them to us and we ship the gifts all over the world,” Sunderland said. “You can even track where your shipped package goes!”
As the service ended, many congregants were off on a different church project — the organization’s annual food drive in collaboration with Ralph’s in Malibu, an endeavor that will involve donors purchasing food needed by families and the unhoused. Their doing so was yet another manifestation of the congregation’s underlying resolve to give, serve, and love.
Malibu Elementary School PTA Amy Wingo said, “On behalf of Malibu Elementary School PTA, I want extend our gratitude for this generous donation. We are excited about the opportunities this contribution will create, and we’regrateful to have Malibu Pacific Church as part of our community. Thank you again for this wonderful gift!”