Malibu Pacific Church raises over $16,000 for Union Mission

From left: Union Rescue Mission Program Assistant Ella Dunn, Kelli Fangmann, Izzie Fangmann, and Taylor Fangmann hold the big check indicating how much was raised for the Union Rescue Mission. Photo courtesy Malibu Pacific Church.

Malibu Pacific Church celebrated the efforts of its congregation for raising $16,500 for the Union Rescue Mission in Skid Row. The money was raised during the church’s Be Real campaign. 

Members of the church were asked to contribute $39.95 each, and the total amount collected was raised in just one minute. The amount was over double the expected amount.

Senior Pastor Andy VomSteeg praised the congregation for being generous and thanked everyone for participating in the campaign.

“Thank you for being generous, thank you for taking the risk, and for loving people. That’s what it’s all about,” VomSteeg said.

VomSteeg said the goal of the Be Rich campaign is to “unleash a wave of generosity in our community and beyond.”

VomSteeg said the church has spent the last three weeks spreading generosity in the community. 

The second annual campaign is part of an overall goal for the church to “give, serve, and love” during this holiday season. VomSteeg explained that the church gave by donating to the Union Rescue Mission, served by volunteering to feed the homeless at the Rescue Mission and loved by collecting canned goods for The James Storehouse, a nonprofit that works to house foster children.

VomSteeg said he is happy to see the generosity spread among the church congregation and beyond. 

He explained that during their collection of canned goods at Ralphs, employees of the store were inspired by the church’s efforts and pooled money together to buy and contribute additional canned goods.

“Generosity is contagious. Once people start doing it, it’s fun, and others then want to give too,” VomSteeg said. “It’s great hearing the stories of people getting excited about being generous.”

He urged members of the community to appreciate the wealth that Americans enjoy and asked them to consider spreading it to those less fortunate.

“The average person in the world makes two dollars a day. If you’re in the 50 percentile in earnings in our country, you’re in the 95 percentile of wealth in the world,” VomSteeg said. “I want to challenge all of us to be generous with our time, and generous with our money. We’ve been given extra so let’s share. I think it’ll make the world a more beautiful place.”

VomSteeg said he is proud of the efforts made by members of the church and said the church will continue to support the community. 

“The church is here to be for people, and whatever we can do to walk alongside [of the community] is why we’re there,” VomSteeg said.

Malibu residents interested in the church and their future events and fundraisers could follow the church Instagram, @malibupacificchurch, for updates and announcements.

“On behalf of our President and CEO Rev Andy Bales we send a special thanks to Malibu Pacific Church for the loving kindness and generosity shown towards Union Rescue Mission’s children and families God has entrusted in our care,” Vice President of Public Relations for Union Rescue Mission Kitty Davis-Walker said in an email to The Malibu Times.