Malibu Middle and High School Specific Plan to be discussed during Monday’s City Council meeting

A gate surrounds the old Juan Cabrillo School. Photo by Samantha Bravo/TMT.

The Malibu City Council will conduct a second reading of Ordinance No. 501 which adopts changes to the Malibu Municipal Code and Local Coastal Program to implement the adopted Malibu Middle and High School (MMHS) Specific Plan Project during the meeting on Monday, August 8.

On July 11, the City Council considered the MMHS Specific Plan, EIR and code amendments.

The Specific Plan establishes the development standards and plans for the redevelopment of the MMHS Campus to be implemented in four phases over the next 10 to 15 years. If the Council approves the second reading of the ordinance on August 8, the Specific Plan along with the Local Coastal Program will be forwarded to the California Coastal Commission for certification review. Any Coastal Development Permits and other entitlements for the MMHS redevelopment will be considered by the Planning Commission at a later date. For more information, visit the project webpage

Members of the public are encouraged to watch, participate and give public comment. Written comments may be sent in advance to the City Council by email at The agenda, staff report, viewing and commenting instructions will be posted on the Agenda Center webpage in advance of the meeting.