Malibu Middle and High School Choir’s Cabaret Concert

Choir Director Dr. Krysta Sorensen and the Malibu High School Choir soak in the applause during the Cabaret concert. Contributed Photo.

This year’s annual Cabaret concert was a fundraiser for the Malibu Middle and High School Choir to attend the Aloha State Choral Festival` in Hawaii, as well as for other festivals that the choir may participate in this year. 

“The students did an amazing job, from first-time performers in sixth grade to experienced senior vocalists,” Choir Director Krysta Sorensen said. “Our theme for the concert was folk songs and story-telling music. The students sang traditional folk songs from Korea, Africa, England, Ireland, and the U.S. It was a combination of choral selections and solo performances. We had a wonderful evening sharing music together once again.”