Malibu City Council approves Road Race Request for Proposal


City Clerk Kelsey Pettijohn recognized for receiving the Certified Municipal Clerk designation

To start off the Malibu City Council meeting on Monday night, City Manager Steve McClary congratulated City Clerk Kelsey Pettijohn for receiving the Certified Municipal Clerk designation.

“This is even more impressive achievement and that Kelsey accomplished all of this while assuming the role of acting city clerk and then city clerk with virtually no staff throughout a global pandemic,” McClary said. 

“I just want to thank you for the recognition,” Pettijohn replied. “I appreciate it, and I appreciate also from the public, I love serving our community.”

During the city manager report, McClary said city staff met with the county and Santa Monica College officials regarding the communications tower. 

“They have agreed to come forward with a plan to repaint the tower to a neutral color and we also currently exceed the maximum height allowed,” McClary said. “They accepted that and indicated that they may ask the Planning Commission for a variance of the height, [and] the color change would also need to come back and be approved by the Planning Commission. A CUP [Conditional Used Permit] will also need to be approved before the tower could operate.”

McClary said they will also begin assisting with the relocation of the Malibu Farmers Market to the Santa Monica-Malibu College campus. 

“The college and the county are ready to assist Cornucopia with returning the market back to its location at the college and avoid any disruptions to the schedule when the current TUP for the use of legacy park expires on October 7,” McClary said. 

Mayor Bruce Silverstein asked McClary if the reason for the substation being held from opening is due to the communications tower.

“That is the question that we raised in the meeting and the county staff is reaching out to the sheriff’s to get some clarification on that, we got some mixed messages in the meeting and we’re hoping to get that cleared up soon,” McClary said.

In the last City Council meeting on Aug. 14, Malibu/Lost Hills Capt. Jennifer Seetoo attended the meeting and said she has not received the keys for the substation because of delays with the tower.

“Right now, we are waiting for a used permit, and because of some things with the antenna, we are still waiting,” Seetoo said during that meeting. “I don’t even have the key to get in to the substation yet, and until I get the key and the permit is signed, that is when I will be able to enter the station.” 

Sgt. Chris Soderlund provided a report on the beach team and illegal parking, and said 17 vehicles were towed.

Soderlund said they will be fully staffed for the upcoming Malibu Chili Cook-Off event this weekend. 

Soderlund said they issued 27 traffic citations near Nobu in the last two weeks. 

“The deputies are out there in high visibility, and it looks like we’re making a difference,” he said. “I haven’t been able to get any parking enforcement officers out there to work, but we’ve been hiring motorcycling deputies, so they’re going to be with the traffic citations.”

During council updates, Steve Uhring said he has been told business leases are being cancelled at the Lumber Yard.

“They’re being kicked out of the Lumber Yard,” Uhring said. “I mentioned that to [Assistant City Manager] Joseph Toney and [Planning Director] Richard Mollica and both of them have agreed to look into it… and as soon as I learn more, I will get back to you with that information on that.”

The City Council approved the professional services agreement with California Skateparks related to repairs of the Temporary Skate Park. 

On Aug. 21, 2019, the council approved using the Case property adjacent to Malibu Bluffs Park as the location for a Temporary Skate Park (TSP). 

On Jan. 30, 2020, the city began an agreement with American Ramp Company for design services for the TSP. The project required constructing, furnishing, and installing skate park lumber framed equipment and structures, Skatelite pro riding surfaces, metal railings, platform and ramp framing, ramp panel assembly, transitions, decks, safety rails, metal work, footings, and foundations. The construction contract was awarded to California Skateparks on April 13, 2020. The work was completed on July 13, 2020.

The council received an update and approved the Zoning Map Amendment No. 17-002 and Zoning Text Amendment No. 20-001 (Sea View Hotel Project).

Toney presented the Comprehensive Development Services Review Report.

In an effort to improve operations and services related to development services, the city initiated a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a Comprehensive Development Services Review. The city chose Baker Tilly US, LLP to lead the initiative, which pertains to all city departments involved in permitting, mainly Planning, Environmental Sustainability, and Public Works. The goal was to identify all related areas in need of improvement and provide recommendations. The assessment reviewed all aspects of the city’s processes in identifying appropriate organization structure and culture, resource needs, technology requirements, regulations, and process documentation.

Baker Tilly was engaged to conduct a comprehensive assessment of Malibu’s development review process. The development review process is a significant and highly visible role for city government and one which has major implications on community quality of life, property interests, and the organization itself.

The Development Services Ad Hoc Committee met on Thursday, Aug. 3, for a preliminary review of the Development Services Review Report with the city manager, department heads and Baker Tilly.

In summary, according to the agenda, there are three main areas that need to be addressed which are accompanied by 46 recommendations:

  • Policies and Regulations — there are conflicting codes and inconsistent guidance that needs to be corrected and updated
  • Staffing Resources — staffing levels need to be increased along with bandwidth to accomplish the workload
  • Management System — the tools, techniques, methods, governance structure, and technology need to be improved and updated.

Public speakers shared their concerns about the inconsistency in the permitting process in Malibu. One public speaker said he has been trying to obtain his permit for 19 years. 

“My dreams we’re completely destroyed; my kids, we’re supposed to grow up in that house,” he said. “We’ll they’re all in college now, it’s over, I can’t do it now and that can’t be replaced.”

After public comment, the council received and filed the report.

“This is being incorporated into the city goals that were developing for this year, and so we’ll be bringing that back formally for adoption from council so we can get into the details at that point,” McClary said. 

The last item on the agenda was the Road Race Request for Proposals. The council approved the proposal, which includes a maximum of two race organizers to conduct race events in city limits through 2028.

The next city council meeting is scheduled for Monday, Sept. 11.