Little League “Snack Shack” petition makes the rounds in Malibu over the weekend—just in time for the City Council meeting

Siblings Lincoln and Hazel Campbell sit at the empty unused snack shack at Malibu Bluffs Park. Zoning restrictions are preventing the Parks and Recreation Department, and local youth leagues, from reopening the concesssion stand. Photo courtesy Becky Michieli.

Even though many local residents view the elimination of the Little League “Snack Shack” at Bluffs Park as almost akin to doing away with baseball itself, or Mom’s apple pie, the City of Malibu is sticking to its interpretation of zoning laws that they say do not allow for the replacement of the decrepit structure.

The Snack Shack, which was still operating up until the pandemic in 2020, helped Little League and AYSO soccer teams make extra money. It was a popular gathering spot after games, and regarded as a local “institution” — it’s been there since at least 1986, before Malibu was even incorporated as a city.

In the latest volley between the city and the community on this issue, Parks and Recreation Commissioner Alicia Peak used the MoveOn platform to circulate a petition throughout Malibu to “amend the Local Coastal Plan (LCP) to include a concession stand in the Table of Uses.”

On the petition page, Peak stated her case: “Last spring 2022, the Parks and Rec Commission agendized the disrepair of the snack shack and need for a remodel. Unfortunately, after multiple commission meetings and staff hours spent trying to mediate the problem, the conclusion was made that the LCP does not include a “concession stand” in its table of uses; ultimately halting us to do anything to repair the snack shack for our children to use at AYSO and Little League games.

“We have made our voices heard to the council about the need for a Snack Shack. At the March 27 Council meeting, changing the LCP to include a concession stand is finally on the agenda, and the council will vote on it. We need your support and voice to bring the Snack Shack back to Bluffs Park.”

A number of residents took up the cause and circulated the petition to their personal email lists, including former Mayor/City Councilmember Karen Farrer. As of Monday at 5 p.m., 436 residents had signed the petition.

To see the petition, go to: