LETTER TO THE EDITOR: There are already plans for PCH median


Dear Editor:

I was pleased to read your recent headline, “Caltrans survey results indicate respondents favor a landscaped median.”

Years ago Steve Soboroff and I started the MalibuGreenMachine. Our first significant project was landscaping the median on PCH between Cross Creek and Webb Way. You can see it today. It turned out great!

Bert Sperber’s company, Valleycrest, did the median design all the way on PCH past Pepperdine, but since we’d only raised about $750,000 we could only do part of the project. Jim Thorsen, city manager at the time, said not to worry. The city was just receiving a large highway grant, and they would finish what we’d started.  That never happened.

If the highway is gonna have more landscaping, people don’t need to reinvent the wheel. The designs for PCH, which the MalibuGreenMachine paid for, still exist.

Jo Giese,
Past President,