Dear Editor,
I would like to thank all of Walt’s friends for planning and attending his Celebration of Life service on Dec. 9. Walt would have been very happy to hear his friends comments regarding his efforts on behalf of the community and for the time and effort that went in to planning the service. I also want to thank The Malibu Times for covering the service and the article in last week’s edition. I do have to make a correction because we can’t take credit for starting the Malibu Township Council. Walt did start the Committee for Incorporation along with friends who felt the same way about Malibu, and was one of the many past Presidents of MTC.
However Malibu Township Council was started in 1947 – Walt was still in college then. We have to give credit to the 25 years of effort of the people who preceded us because without them and the work they did to preserve Malibu there would have been nothing to save. And—this effort must continue with new joining current residents who do not want to see Malibu turned into a commercial tourist center. Thank you all for caring about Malibu.
Lucile Keller, Malibu