LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Silverstein replies to those behind ‘smear campaign’


Dear Editor:

This responds to the Letter to the Editor from Burt Ross published last week, which criticized me for stating that Paul Grisanti is pro-development (which he plainly is).

Mr. Ross is a member of a small, but vocal, group of Paul Grisanti’s core supporters. The letter published last week followed a campaign advertisement sent out to Malibu residents under Mr. Ross’ name, which was “Paid for by Paul Grisanti for Malibu City Council 2024 FPPC #1472734.” Mr. Ross also repeatedly calls for civility in Malibu, but he is one of Paul Grisanti’s supporters who uncivilly disrupted the Candidate Forum held by the Malibu Democratic Club when I stated there that Paul is pro-development.

It was commendable that the current publisher of the paper did not allow Mr. Ross to misuse his so-called humor column to criticize me — as Mr. Ross was allowed to do by the prior publisher of the paper. It also is commendable that the publisher of the paper refused to publish a full-page attack ad against me that was sponsored by a PAC funded by out-of-town developers who support Paul Grisanti because Paul is pro-development.

This past week, it was discovered that another PAC heavily funded by out-of-town builders and developers has spent substantial funds to support Paul Grisanti.  They did so because Paul is pro-development — despite Burt Ross’ false claim to the contrary. These developers support Paul Grisanti because they believe he is willing to support their efforts to transform Malibu into Beverly Hills by the Sea.

Mr. Ross’ Letter to the Editor is just one component of a well-orchestrated smear campaign being waged against me by supporters of Paul Grisanti. The smear campaign is fueled by lies, half-truths, and information taken out of context. Just as out-of-town developers are spending substantial funds to support Paul Grisanti, out-of-town developers also arefunding the smear campaign. Local contractors, builders, and developers also are involved in a whisper campaign in which they lie with impunity. I have stood in their way throughout my current term on the City Council, and they are none too pleased. Plainly, I am doing something right!

As the residents of Malibu know, I have always put RESIDENTS FIRST, and I will continue to do so when I am reelected. Unlike typical politicians, I do not make hollow promises.  I have a proven track record of living up to my campaign commitments and I will continue to do so during my second term on the Malibu City Council.

Because of the work I have done for the past four years on the City Council, I am publicly endorsed by hundreds of Malibu residents, whose names appear on my campaign website, BruceSilverstein.org.

As was the case when I was elected with the most votes among eight candidates in 2020, I WON’T BACK DOWN.

Stay Safe & Stay Well,

Bruce Lee Silverstein