Letter to the Editor: PCH police patrols, never cameras


Dear Editor,

I just left a message for the governor to veto SB1297 for speed cameras on PCH in Malibu, or issue a “rescind” order if he’s signed.

Cameras on a stick are an insult to PCH victims’ families: shoveling fines into state coffers would not have prevented one single fatality on PCH (past or future)! Only in-traffic police patrols, and a bad reputation can.
In-traffic police patrols deter and nail not just excessive speed, but drunk drivers/bicyclists/pedestrians, reckless driving/cell calling, high-speed U-turns, long low-speed parking back-ups on PCH, racing, 24/7 jaywalking, no headlights at night … Cameras can’t.

John Ulloth,
