Letter to The Editor: PCH closure overly long, very costly

Letter to the Editor: The Malibu Times

Dear Editor,

One of the biggest problems in our society is a government that is overbearing and tyrannical way too often. Especially in emergency situations. Malibu suffering enormously and unnecessarily when officials kept Pacific Coast Highway closed far longer than necessary. 
By Wednesday at noon, there was no legitimate reason for the highway to be closed. Long before then, the Franklin Fire had reached the beach on both sides and was only burning in spot areas well up into the hills. 
The unnecessary closure was very costly to me, times 10,000 Malibu citizens and businesses told they can’t go back to their normal lives. How many millions of dollars and lost hours were there because officials are far obsessed with wielding their martial law power than in actually helping people?  (This is in great contrast to the great work, this time, of the fire department and emergency personnel, people actually trying to help people). 
I hope the Malibu city leaders were screaming, “Let our people go home.” After the Woolsey Fire, Malibu was seized by the government and citizens kept out for two weeks. This has to stop. PCH should be closed only in extreme, temporary times, and even then with maximum consideration to the needs and freedoms of the citizens. 

Rick Wallace,