Letter to the Editor: Move faster in establishing A Safer PCH

Letter to the Editor: The Malibu Times

Dear Editor, 

Over this past summer, I expected to see fast action by the Malibu City Council to strengthen the Municipal Code section that speaks towards fines assigned for violation of Temporary Use Permits — in particular to address the fine levied against the parties responsible for the event held at Nobu on July 4, 2024, given the city’s position that the event was illegal and caused damages in costs to the city.

How is it that by the time of the publication of this letter to the editor that SIX MONTHS have passed since that deadly accident without corrective actions in the process? I understand that the process to place an item on council agenda isapproximately two months time for staff investigation and preparing supportive reports.  Also there is time required to “hear” an item in official open meetings to fulfill required laws and to provide the public the opportunity to weigh in on the anticipated change(s).

So what is lagging? Is it a drag of council actions, or is it rooted in legal/regulatory matters? Whatever the base reasons, we simply cannot slide through the beginning of 2025 without solid focus on strengthening the municipal code, and at the same time insuring that the previous year’s decision to not fine or put on formal notification be properly secured for the public interest over the 2024 violations.  

To obtain a TUP permit at this time per city website requires the requesting party/org to begin the application a minimum of 35 days in advance.  That requires the city to have finalized potential changes/improvements by May at the latest. There is a requirement to have repetitive hearings on changes to municipal code, that equates to reduction of time for the councilmembers to act on our behalf in modifying the process, increasing fines, and protecting the city’s liability. We simply must take the lessons learned and effect improvements using that information, I implore all members of City Council to make this a priority and also continue to stand strong in all other pressing matters that are before them. 

In honor and with respect for Martin, the Okeke family and friends, we should invest the first weeks/months of 2025 in shoring up the gaps that afforded a commercialized party to be above or evolve to a stronger liability than the public safety of all residents, visitors and PCH users. We’ve lost enough loved ones as a strongly knit community yet we can use that strength to secure real change. 

Let’s roll into 2025 with renewed resolve to A Safer PCH, a real gift that keeps giving.

Mari Stanley

Point Dume, Malibu