Letter to The Editor: For speeders, make punishment fit the crime

Letter to the Editor: The Malibu Times

Dear Editor,

All of us who live, work, or study in Malibu all owe a great debt of gratitude to Michel and Ellen Shane, who have taken the personal tragedy of losing their daughter Emily and sought to convert their loss into something constructive. For years now, Michel has fought to make the PCH a safer highway rather than the death trap it has become while Ellen has created a wonderful memorial to their daughter’s memory.

As a member of the City Council and twice Malibu’s mayor, I have worked with Michel. The City Council has fought for speed cameras, and we have increased the City’s law enforcement budget by millions of dollars, including the hiring ofthe California Highway Patrol. 

Our efforts are beginning to show results with speeding citations more than doubling. But let me make one thing clear: No matter how much we increase enforcement, unless the punishment fits the crime, speeding will continue to be the norm. It is for this reason that I introduced a resolution unanimously passed by our City Council urging our government officials to lobby for a law which would mandate the suspension of a driver’s license for those who speed 100 miles per hour or more, or exceed twice the posted speed limit. 

I pledge that if reelected, I will work with Michel and others to lobby for this important legislation. It will not be easy. There are people who are more concerned about how the loss of a driver’s license will impact a person’s ability to make a living rather than how to prevent the loss of more innocent lives on our roads.

Paul Grisanti

Malibu City Councilmember