Letter to The Editor: Focus on School Safety

Letter to the Editor: The Malibu Times

Dear Editor, 

School Safety is a top priority for our PTSA this year. We are concerned because important school safety and security recommendations have not been made available, and we are almost three months into the school year. I am here tonight to urge you to speed up this process so we can act on the recommendations.

In 2022, the City Council formed a Schools Safety Ad Hoc Committee to assess how to continue to invest in the safety and security of our local campuses. To the Ad Hoc Committee’s credit, you approved a Safety Assessment Review by an independent consultant, Guidepost Solutions. Subsequently, during the last school year, the Guidepost team surveyed parents, administrators, faculty, and staff and conducted on-site visits.

On May 22, the Malibu PTSA, our two elementary school PTAs, and our Leadership Council sent a joint letter to the City Council’s Schools Safety Ad Hoc Committee expressing a “deep concern regarding the safety of students and staff on our Malibu public school campuses.” In that letter, those school advocates outlined specific requests and asked that the Guidepost Solutions report be given priority attention over the summer.

The City Council originally planned to address a summary of the School Safety Assessment Report during the Aug. 14 regular meeting. That date was postponed to the Sept. 11 regular meeting, which was postponed to tonight’s meeting.

An explanation for the multiple postponements exists, and the PTSA and other stakeholders appreciate the realities expressed. However, we are about to welcome the month of October and the books on the first grading period for our students is being closed. Despite all the effort and communications, today, we continue to wait for recommendations and next steps on school safety.

Truly, what are we waiting for?

Respectfully, we are asking the Ad Hoc Committee to infuse this process with a parent’s sense of urgency.

Kevin Keegan, Malibu PTSA President