LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Caltrans fails our community … again

Letter to the Editor: The Malibu Times

On Wednesday, Caltrans hosted its first meeting to develop a master plan for PCH’s future, making sure that the media was aware and present. Given how crucial PCH is to our community, you’d think this would be a packed event. But no — only 25 to 30 people bothered to show up. That’s a slap in the face to everyone who cares about this road and our town’s future.

The presentation was riddled with errors. They claimed only 23 people have died on PCH since 2018. We know the truth — 61 lives have been lost in the last 14 years. Did no one else notice this glaring mistake? Did it not spark outrage?

Then came the so-called “planning” exercise. We, the attendees, were dumped into groups and told to brainstorm about PCH’s five sections. There were no engineers, no experts, just us. They handed out lists of possible changes and aerial images as if we were qualified to redesign a major highway.

This wasn’t planning; it was a sham. Caltrans should have led with their expertise, proposing solutions for our feedback. Instead, they sat back while we flailed. That’s not community involvement — it’s abdication of responsibility.

Enough is enough. We deserve better. Caltrans must take this seriously, step up with real plans, and listen to our input meaningfully. It’s time our community demands more. Attend the next meeting. Speak out. Our lives depend on getting this right.

All the best,
Michel Shane